
STEM Courses

59 Courses

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Year 8 English Language JSS2

English Language JSS2

The English Language is the most commonly spoken language in the world. Our English Language course is comprehensive and designed to for Secondary School level students. It incorporates the most up-to-date teaching strategies and materials, as well as interactive video and audio segments. Under Year 8, find topics such as Consonant Sounds, Intonation, Comprehension, and Parts of Speech.  

16:39 Hours
25 Lectures


Let your Year 7 students begin their foray into the world of science and technology. This unit focuses on the study of matter, how we see and how light moves. The month-by-month breakdown helps you to plan easily, giving clear instruction that is supported with hands-on activities. Basic Science is the foundation of all knowledge. It provides students with the tools to understand the world around them, and it helps them develop life-long learning habits. This course will enable students to think critically about information and make meaning from it. The Basic Science course has been given a new emphasis on scientific enquiry in classes throughout the year (repurposing of science curricula).  It is followed by laboratories and field sessions where students conduct investigations using experiments, observations, data analysis and scientific inquiry guided by their teacher. Students study various topics each year that are assessed by a mixture of multiple-choice quiz questions and practical diary tasks based on the learning outcomes provided in the unit plans provided. 

10:26 Hours
16 Lectures
Year 7 English Language JSS1

English Language JSS1

The English Language is the most commonly spoken language in the world. Our English Language course is a comprehensive and designed to for Secondary School level students. It incorporates the most up-to-date teaching strategies and materials, as well as interactive video and audio segments. English for Year 7 students is designed to introduce students to useful grammar structures, vocabulary words and interesting phrases. 

15:52 Hours
29 Lectures